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Douglas firefighters gear up prior to attacking a shed fire that was burning behind a residence on 12th Street June 30.
Thick smoke fills the air as firefighters battle a shed fire June 30 in the 1100 Block of 12th Street.
Douglas firefighters gear up prior to attacking a shed fire that was burning behind a residence on 12th Street June 30.
Thick smoke fills the air as firefighters battle a shed fire June 30 in the 1100 Block of 12th Street.
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DOUGLAS — On a day when the Douglas Fire Department was scheduled to hold a retirement ceremony for its assistant fire chief Joe Alvarez, a call of a shed fire in the 1100 Block of 12th Street interrupted those plans.
According to information from the DFD regarding the fire, shortly before 10 a.m. June 30 the department received a call of a shed fire in the rear of a residence across the street from DUSD’s main office.
Chief Kevin Lomeli was the first on scene and noticed heavy smoke coming from the area. As crews arrived, they made their way to the fire and found flames burning in what appeared to be a workshop area.
“We then knocked down the fire (and) found that fire started to extend to the rear alley behind (the) structure where it was difficult to reach because of possible damage to power lines overhead (in the) alley,” the report reads. “We then checked for extensions in the apartment to the west of the structure that was burning. We found it was full of smoke due to adjacent burning structure. We then continued to knock down spot fires.”
While battling this fire the DFD was advised that an 8x6 foot metal shed next door of the burning structure had smoke coming from the front of its door. Upon gaining entry, firefighters discovered fire had made access inside that structure as well. Several firefighters proceeded to extinguish that blaze before resuming with the initial fire.
The cause of the fire is not yet known. Family members said they had insurance for the home, but are unsure if the shed is covered. No injuries were reported. Several vehicles and tools were severely damaged however in the blaze.
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